A 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self
Full Spirit Activation
The next step in the activation series, this one takes the Life Activation takes that one step further to increase your connection to your soul
Crystal Immersion Healing
Sourced from the Mineral Kingdom and the Earth, this powerful healing can promote greater wellbeing in many different facets
Hermetic Soul Retrival
Throughout life we all encounter traumas that can damage the soul. This is the modality that can pull it all back together
Emotional Cord Cutting
This service disconnects emotional cords so you stop losing energy to other people. This includes the cord-cutting, negative spell removal and good spell casting
Shamanic Aura Clearing
Using the Sutra of the Heart and the gentle energies from the Earth, this is a very light and effective way to clear the aura
Spark of Life
An extremely powerful remote healing that connects to the original Divine Spark to help bring about immense healing
Meridian Balancing
An effective way to work with the meridian lines of the body. Unblocking chi flow and activating specific lines can target and provide healing to specific needs
Ensofic Reiki
The rich and pure healing energy coming from a place of stillness. This form of Reiki goes much further than just the physical addressing the cause, not just the symptom
Modality Menu
Ancient methods to facilitate your healing

Studio Location
Empowerful Life
4645 N 12th St
Ste 200-201
Phoenix, AZ 85014
+1 (253) 365 4260
Opening Hours

I am Connor James Igielski, born and raised in the greater South Seattle area near Federal Way. I moved to the Phoenix area permanently in the Summer of 2022. I am an Initiate, Certified Life Activation Practitioner, Certified Healer and Ritual Master in the Lineage of King Salomon. Service to humanity, God and the Lineage is my primary focus in life. It is through service that brings me to know thy self and to help others know themselves as well.
Being a Certified Healer with the Modern Mystery School in the Lineage in King Salomon is an absolute privilege in my life. The healings that have handed down to me have been tried, tested and unadulterated for well over 3,000 years. I am so excited to share them with the world because from anything else I have tried, these are the cleanest and actually do work.
I am a massage therapist who went to Cortiva Institute in Federal Way, WA for my massage studies. With many years of being a massage therapist, a majority was spent working with doctors to help patients rehabilitate from car accidents and work injuries. I work for myself, have also worked for multiple chiropractors and spas since the beginning of my career. I desire to utilize all of the tools in my belt to help others better themselves.


This will empower you to bring in and to anchor more Light (positive energy) in your physical body. The Life Activation also empowers you to to bring forth and maximize your potential along with any unrevealed talents and abilities, thus giving you more vitality and clarity.
This session will begin a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns.
The complete 24th strand activation is done during the Galactic Activation which is available either at MMS programs or periodically in specific states. To learn more, go to the Galactic Activation page.
In addition to the Life Activation itself, this session also includes several energy alignments to help you achieve a sense of peace and connection between your mind, body and spirit:
Crown Cap Removal
Central Core Balancing
16 Lotus Petal Awakening
Elemental and Magnetic Line Balancing
Chakra Balancing
Negative Crystal Removal
Brief Reading
Spagyrics are included with every session. They are known as Purifacato and Crystalis. By taking these spagyrics post Life Activation it will support you in integrating all of the light of the session. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, as you take in more light you will need to expel negative energy Spagyrics will support that process of detox both physically and non-physically.